Your vision is our code.

About icecreek

icecreek GmbH was founded in 2019 around the idea that working in a great team is more fun, produces better ideas and code, and helps all team members to grow. We are proud to have built an awesome team since. And we continue to do so!

Our name is inspired by the city creek "Eisbach" in Munich with its famous standing wave which is sometimes called
The mother of all river waves.

At this time, none of our team members is surfing this wave, but just in case you are a river surfer and at the same time a great coder, we would love it if you joined our team!

Our skill set covers all skills needed to build great apps! We have built High-Load, High-Availability code for applications with multi-million concurrent users.

Using this knowledge, we are also building our own (no-)app for the hotel industry:

Roomgrid - Housekeeping, Maintenance, Green Choice.

This app is built with the assumption that after functionality, ease of use is the most important feature for a piece of software. As a result, a new user can be onboarded into the app instantly. No installation needed, mobile first.